Youtubers Who Are Making a Difference

I stay watching YouTube, day in and day out. Before podcast, I would listen to YouTube as a form of relaxing and gaining insight. So when I started my journey on learning more about being eco-friendly, or sustainable, I turned to YouTuber’s to see if I can learn more from them. In doing so, IContinue reading “Youtubers Who Are Making a Difference”

Mexico and it’s Peoples Sustainability Lifestyle

My parents are originally from Michoacán, Mexico. Every time we go back, the main things that captivate me is the land and the way our food was made. Most to everything is produce in a “sustainable” way. I put sustainable in quotes because sustainable isn’t a trend for this community, it’s been a way ofContinue reading “Mexico and it’s Peoples Sustainability Lifestyle”

What is Palm Oil and Why is it Considered as a “Bad” Thing?

So in the time that I have been doing more and more research on sustainable products, a lot of experts or consumers of sustainable products have referred to the ingredient of “Palm Oil.” As someone who have been trying to understand ingredients and their impacts on our environment, I wanted to look further into PalmContinue reading “What is Palm Oil and Why is it Considered as a “Bad” Thing?”

Why Consider Solar Power?

I don’t know about y’all, but I know I want to consider more environmental friendly appliances in my home. My goal is to make sure I am providing the same love to the world as it has provided to me. Being surrounded by sage brush and mountains is one of the most beautiful things inContinue reading “Why Consider Solar Power?”

Most Yummy Vegan Alternative Sweets

My people, listen to me. I am not at any cost vegan! Although, I love substituting any of my foods with alternative options. As a Latina, fruits and veggies are in every dish, along with rice (of course), therefore being able to leave meat out is really easy for me to do. Although, even whenContinue reading “Most Yummy Vegan Alternative Sweets”

Four Latine Environmental-Focus Organizations

Growing up, I would visit my family in Mexico all the time. As a kid, I prepared myself for cold showers out of a bucket, bug bites that itched like crazy and not eating because I would see my grandpa physically kill the animal himself. As much as I dreaded this as a kid, IContinue reading “Four Latine Environmental-Focus Organizations”

A Trivia Game that Makes a Difference

I’m from a small city where my fun consists of trivia nights at a variety of bars. I looooovvvveee Trivia and I’m competitive! I even like to practice my skills using apps like Trivia Crack. Recently, I found another awesome way of practicing my trivia skills and guess what? This game does more than justContinue reading “A Trivia Game that Makes a Difference”

What is Microplastic and Should We Be Scared?

I don’t know about you, but I gain phobias on a regular-basis. Apparently, it’s like a hobby for me. No joke, when I get concerned about something, I do my research and start to freak out about it. This week, it’s microplastic. Listen, I am not trying to cause anyone to panic and live myContinue reading “What is Microplastic and Should We Be Scared?”